Book Review – Visual Anthropology: Photography as a Research Method

Visual Anthropology: Photography as a Research Method

Collier, J. and Collier, M. (1986) Visual Anthropology: Photography as a Research Method. UNM Press. At:

Collier, J and Collier, M highlight that the open phase of fieldwork and analysis exposes us intuitively and intellectually to the ‘organic’ form of research.  This is the area that provides the whole context from which samples of detail can be obtained – a case of trenching through for the discrete information needed to complete the research.  In my case the numerous papers and articles on photovoice as a research method in mental health.  This did however as Collier points out results in more questions that answers.

Collier et al details the need to move to structured and detailed recording of data from fieldwork and analysis, without this the research is likely to be overcome by too much detail – a position I found myself in with all the data available around the use of photovoice research.  I found myself going down too many different avenues without any clear focus.  However as stated by Collier “A Well – executed field study does not ensure a Satisfactory research conclusion”.  The analysis needs to move from raw data to refined conclusions.  In my case the mountains of research documents on the use of photovoice techniques into something that I could apply in the field in a limited time period.